Hello! I’m Theresa. I’m a mother to two amazing girls and a sweet little boy. I’m a wife to my best friend and incredibly supportive husband. I’m a daughter, a sister, a friend, a writer, and a holistic health practitioner, specializing in nutrition. Whether it’s creating less waste or catering to food allergies, I’m on this path toward a healthier, more holistic life and I’m happy to welcome you along.
I am also a recovering disordered eater… that is to say I used to have an eating disorder and through intuitive eating counseling (and training) and rewriting my own story, I am free from those controlling thoughts and actions. Being thin is no longer a goal I dangle in front of myself; it’s not a goal at all. Living, loving and being present are more achievable, more rewarding, and more fulfilling than being thin could ever be.
During my journey toward healthier eating and self-love, I’ve been a vegetarian, a vegan and a raw foodist. I’ve given up any number of foods for various reasons. Currently, I am an omnivore, while consuming a gluten- and mostly dairy-free diet. My children are also gluten- and dairy-free and my husband eats that way because that’s what I prepare! We have eaten SCD, paleo, and Whole30 most recently to help with SIBO and gut health.
I will be sharing my continuing journey with you, including food, nutrition, health, holistic living, environmental awareness, parenting, joyful movement (formerly known as exercise) and mindfulness. I look forward to hearing about your passions as well. Feel free to comment on entries or contact me directly. I may offer services that you are craving for yourself, or you might just want to know that you’re not alone. Whatever the reason, I promise to meet you where you are on your journey and only ask that you respect where I am on mine.