The actual definition of defuse is to reduce the tension in a difficult situation. I don’t know about you, but each day I come across various situations that could be described as difficult! Reducing tension in a busy home, office or work place is crucial to improving the quality of life and your health!
So, have you purchased a diffuser and don’t know what you’re supposed to do with it? Or have you thought about it, but don’t really know what you’ll do or how it will work? When we embarked on our journey with essential oils, I was concerned mainly with diaper rashes, bug sprays and cleaning solutions. I shrugged off the AMAZING deal of getting a Premium Starter Kit (which includes a diffuser) because I thought that wasn’t for us. Months later, we found ourselves budgeting our finances to be able to purchase one of these because the benefits far outweighed the cost!
First, I had to educate myself on what a diffuser was. I was familiar with humidifiers and wondered if I could just put my oils in that. (The answer is: no. Humidifiers are not created to handle the powerful oils and they will break down the plastic parts, sending toxins into the air as well.) A diffuser is so different! Specifically speaking about the Young Living diffuser, it is an air purifier, an aroma diffuser, an atomizer, and a humidifier all rolled into one. Mixing a few drops of oil with some distilled water in a diffuser allows that oil to be broken up into millions of microparticles. The microparticles are then dispersed into the air in such a way that the powerful properties of therapeutic grade essential oils are activated. It truly is an incredible way to get amazing benefits from these oils while using very little of them.
First, I had to educate myself on what a diffuser was. I was familiar with humidifiers and wondered if I could just put my oils in that. (The answer is: no. Humidifiers are not created to handle the powerful oils and they will break down the plastic parts, sending toxins into the air as well.) A diffuser is so different! Specifically speaking about the Young Living diffuser, it is an air purifier, an aroma diffuser, an atomizer, and a humidifier all rolled into one. Mixing a few drops of oil with some distilled water in a diffuser allows that oil to be broken up into millions of microparticles. The microparticles are then dispersed into the air in such a way that the powerful properties of therapeutic grade essential oils are activated. It truly is an incredible way to get amazing benefits from these oils while using very little of them.

Second, I needed to wrap my head around the benefits of diffusing oils instead of inhaling them from my hands or applying them to my body. Because the diffuser alters the structure of molecules, when you diffuse oils you aren’t masking odors (like standard air fresheners that often cause headaches as well). Instead, diffusing actually changes the molecules in a room reducing or eliminating odors, germs, bacteria, mold and fungus.
Thirdly, aside from cleaning the environment of my home, what else could diffusing do? The answers to this question are too many to list here, but defusing tension is a good place to start. You see the cool mist coming off of this diffuser? The mist is actually going into my body (my children’s and my husband’s too) and stimulating neurotransmitters, secretion of endorphins and growth hormone production & receptivity. Inhaling the air containing the diffused oil particles can relax my body, clear my mind, relieve tension, improve concentration, increase alertness, and enhance my mental clarity. From a physiological standpoint, diffused oils also improve digestion, help balance hormones, fight candida by promoting the secretion of IgA antibodies, relieve headaches, and help with weight management.
But how? The science is pretty wordy but I will sum it up like this: When you inhale an aroma, it enters into your nose where it is trapped by the lining inside of your nose. Every odor is made up of molecules and each molecule fits into one of many receptor sites that line the olfactory epithelium. When the molecules fit into these receptor sites, they trigger electrical impulses to the olfactory bulb in your brain, which then transmits them to other areas of the brain including the gustatory center (sensation of taste), amygdala (emotional memories) and other parts of the limbic system. The limbic system is associated with blood pressure, breathing, heart rate, hormone balance, memory, and stress levels. This is how diffused and inhaled oils can have such a profound effect psychologically and physiologically! (*Information derived from the Essential Oils Pocket Reference, Fifth Edition – see below)
Thirdly, aside from cleaning the environment of my home, what else could diffusing do? The answers to this question are too many to list here, but defusing tension is a good place to start. You see the cool mist coming off of this diffuser? The mist is actually going into my body (my children’s and my husband’s too) and stimulating neurotransmitters, secretion of endorphins and growth hormone production & receptivity. Inhaling the air containing the diffused oil particles can relax my body, clear my mind, relieve tension, improve concentration, increase alertness, and enhance my mental clarity. From a physiological standpoint, diffused oils also improve digestion, help balance hormones, fight candida by promoting the secretion of IgA antibodies, relieve headaches, and help with weight management.
But how? The science is pretty wordy but I will sum it up like this: When you inhale an aroma, it enters into your nose where it is trapped by the lining inside of your nose. Every odor is made up of molecules and each molecule fits into one of many receptor sites that line the olfactory epithelium. When the molecules fit into these receptor sites, they trigger electrical impulses to the olfactory bulb in your brain, which then transmits them to other areas of the brain including the gustatory center (sensation of taste), amygdala (emotional memories) and other parts of the limbic system. The limbic system is associated with blood pressure, breathing, heart rate, hormone balance, memory, and stress levels. This is how diffused and inhaled oils can have such a profound effect psychologically and physiologically! (*Information derived from the Essential Oils Pocket Reference, Fifth Edition – see below)

SOLD. I am absolutely sold on the benefits of the diffuser. Ordered, purchased, shipped and received; I had it in front of me and thought, now what? The possibilities are endless!
In our house, we use it in our bedroom at night and in the center of our home (the kitchen counter) during the day. At night we diffuse lavender, frankincense, juniper or valor. Sleep has never been better! During the day, I choose my diffuser cocktail based on the day ahead of us and the moods we’re all in upon waking. I love to diffuse Joy (read more about Joy here). I find peppermint to be extremely motivating and energizing (more peppermint benefits here). I’ve also started making combinations based on some charts I’ve seen, such as Joy + Peppermint for a happy day, Lavender + Lemon + Peppermint for allergies, Thieves + Purification for immune system boosting, Peace & Calming + Lavender for sleep, Lemon + Peppermint to wake up, and Valor + Frankincense to help with sadness. (4-8 drops is all you need for hours upon hours of diffusing bliss!)
There are so many more combinations and cocktails to be made and experienced. I honestly can’t wait. Currently, I’m diffusing Citrus Fresh + Joy. As a sensitive person, I am acutely aware of the shifts that take place in my attitude, motivation and energy levels while diffusing. The best part is that all of the oils mentioned above (except the Citrus Fresh and juniper) come in the Everyday Oils Kit, which is included in the Premium Starter Kit I wished we had purchased originally!
Ready to try it?
Go here and enter the Sponsor ID and Enroller ID 1414775. Enter your personal information, select Wholesale (it will save you 24% off the retail price), and choose the Premium Starter Kit. You can bypass the Essential Rewards Kits (they’re optional) and you’ll be well on your way to experiencing all these benefits and more! (If you do decide to do Essential Rewards, you can sign up at any time, spend $50 a month and save on shipping while gradually building your medicine cabinet arsenal for every ailment imaginable).
Read more about why we use ONLY Young Living in our home here.
The Essential Oils Pocket Reference is just that: Essential. If you sign up through me with the purchase of the Premium Starter Kit, I will send you this book as a Welcome Gift. You may also purchase it through this (affiliate) link below:
In our house, we use it in our bedroom at night and in the center of our home (the kitchen counter) during the day. At night we diffuse lavender, frankincense, juniper or valor. Sleep has never been better! During the day, I choose my diffuser cocktail based on the day ahead of us and the moods we’re all in upon waking. I love to diffuse Joy (read more about Joy here). I find peppermint to be extremely motivating and energizing (more peppermint benefits here). I’ve also started making combinations based on some charts I’ve seen, such as Joy + Peppermint for a happy day, Lavender + Lemon + Peppermint for allergies, Thieves + Purification for immune system boosting, Peace & Calming + Lavender for sleep, Lemon + Peppermint to wake up, and Valor + Frankincense to help with sadness. (4-8 drops is all you need for hours upon hours of diffusing bliss!)
There are so many more combinations and cocktails to be made and experienced. I honestly can’t wait. Currently, I’m diffusing Citrus Fresh + Joy. As a sensitive person, I am acutely aware of the shifts that take place in my attitude, motivation and energy levels while diffusing. The best part is that all of the oils mentioned above (except the Citrus Fresh and juniper) come in the Everyday Oils Kit, which is included in the Premium Starter Kit I wished we had purchased originally!
Ready to try it?
Go here and enter the Sponsor ID and Enroller ID 1414775. Enter your personal information, select Wholesale (it will save you 24% off the retail price), and choose the Premium Starter Kit. You can bypass the Essential Rewards Kits (they’re optional) and you’ll be well on your way to experiencing all these benefits and more! (If you do decide to do Essential Rewards, you can sign up at any time, spend $50 a month and save on shipping while gradually building your medicine cabinet arsenal for every ailment imaginable).
Read more about why we use ONLY Young Living in our home here.
The Essential Oils Pocket Reference is just that: Essential. If you sign up through me with the purchase of the Premium Starter Kit, I will send you this book as a Welcome Gift. You may also purchase it through this (affiliate) link below: