This is part 3 in a series following my health saga. If you haven’t read Part 1 (Antibiotics & Anxiety) and Part 2 (To Candida Diet or Not to Candida Diet), please do, as it will fill you in on details not covered here.
You know by now that I’ve done lots of things to help with my health trials, including seeing my chiropractor and Naturopath. I had already been to my MD and had blood tests ordered, which all came back normal. This is extremely frustrating since I KNEW something was wrong. I’d asked to be tested for candida and he said, “It wasn’t indicated.” So, I went to a Naturopath and he suggested I get an Organic Acids Test. I’m all for testing. I’m all for functional medicine and knowing my levels and doing what I can to improve them. This can shed a whole new light on an exhausting situation!

Unfortunately, many tests are not covered by insurance (though many are!). In my case, the organic acids test was not covered by my insurance (though he called to find out, which I appreciated). Desperate for answers, I shelled out the $300 and proceeded with the test, which was a urine test from Great Plains Lab. I had hoped to have results before my trip to CA, but the results took a lot longer than expected.
Despite the delay, I appreciated the results. The Naturopath had been certain that the results would show a bacteria causing all of my issues and that we would treat that and be done, but that was not the case. Instead, the numbers only showed Candida in the yeast, fungal and bacteria markers. The numbers weren’t even that high (probably because I’d already been on herbs and tinctures to help kill it).
The next section that was off for me was the Krebs Cycle. The Krebs Cycle is pretty complicated, but you can read about it here. I had very low fumaric, which could simply be because I was dehydrated, having had an aversion to water and food in general, while at my worst.
The next thing I saw was low serotonin (by measuring neurotransmitter metabolites) in the form of 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic (5-HIAA). My Naturopath said, “We can fix that, easy!” I was relieved. I had a marker that also could be responsible for neural excitotoxicity. Everything inside me was “excited” to say the least, so this made sense too. This elevated marker can also be caused by low serotonin, which I had. The test showed markers of fasting, which was also the case at the time since I couldn’t bring myself to eat. All in all the test showed proof of what was going on with me and seemed to be things we could fix. The shocking results were my zero levels of B and C vitamins!!! How could I have NO vitamins in my body? Again, I decided this was all due to the lack of eating and drinking…
I won’t bore you with all the specifics, but I will say that if you are looking to dig deeper into your health issues, you may have to test outside of the medical system. My MD has specifically told me he doesn’t practice functional medicine, which was disturbing to me. How could you NOT want to see where things are so you can fix them? I proceeded to try everything recommended to me by my Naturopath and found I struggled with the B vitamins and the 5-HTP. I had no problems with the Candaclear Four or the probiotics (both mentioned in my previous post), so this is all I could handle. I also added in Young Living orange oil topically and chewable vitamin C throughout the day. As digestive issues subsided, I was left with the high adrenaline, high anxiety and nervous stomach. Compared to where I was before, this was a big step in the right direction, but I wasn’t satisfied.
I have since signed up with Great Plains Lab so I can repeat the Organic Acids Test again in a few months, to see where I am. I have also signed up with another lab called Labrix. I decided I needed to test my neurotransmitters and my cortisol to rule out adrenal fatigue. These results were no less shocking than before. My neurotransmitter levels were all wrong. A call with their clinician on staff had me reeling and trying to decide what to do next. More testing is definitely in order. My neurotransmitter levels show a pattern equivalent to MTHFR (Methyl Tetra Hydro Folate Reductase), which is associated with the inability to process B vitamins. So testing for this gene, to see if it is lower functioning, is necessary before I take my next step.
I don’t have all the answers yet. I hope to, soon. And I’ll keep you updated. I can say that I’m so happy to have all the information I do have about my body and my health! It puts things into perspective. Had I gone a traditional route with my health, I’m sure I’d be on an anti-anxiety medication right now and that wouldn’t fix anything or help me figure out what went wrong.
If you are struggling in areas of your life with “normal” blood tests and roadblocks along the way, please consider testing outside of the medical realm. I am signed up with many labs, but especially recommend the labs above. I can get a test kit to you quickly and discretely. You don’t have to live in confusion and disarray. We all deserve to know what’s happening with our health and sometimes we need someone on that path with us who’s willing to be a detective. I’m here and I’m willing and I’m grateful for those who’ve been alongside me during my journey. It’s harder to look at myself clearly and I’m grateful the professionals I’ve spoken with. Please contact me if you think you would like to test yourself. There are SO many options, but the results are well worth it!
Read more about the Organic Acids Test.
Read more about Neurotransmitter Testing.
Read more about DNA Testing for Weight Control.
Read more about Hormone Balance Testing.
Read more about IgG Food Allergy Testing with Candida.
Read more about Stool Analysis.
Read more about Metals Hair Test.
The truth is, there are SO many tests available, and it is completely up to you where your health issues are and what needs to be tested. Look through the links above and let me know if I can help in any way. It’s important to know that the power of our health is in our hands. No one will advocate more for you than YOU.