You know I have been on quite the journey with my health. You can read about it on my blog: How I took some antibiotics that set off my mutated genes; How I tried to treat Candida and only made it worse; How I discovered I had MTHFR; How I tested and treated my neurotransmitter imbalance; And how I experienced over-methylation symptoms from vitamins that were supposed to help me. Quite the journey, indeed.

Well, during all the panic attacks, stomach aches, jitters and nausea, I still had to function. It’s not like illness sweeps in and the world pauses, waiting for us to get better. No, I still had to take my oldest to school and care for my youngest everyday. We still went to California for our anniversary and traveled to see family for Thanksgiving. There hasn’t been a pause button, as much as I wish there had been.
During it all, I had to find something to stop my anxiety from escalating. I was pursuing a holistic treatment plan, which sometimes takes time and during that time, I still had to survive. That’s why I say crocheting saved my life. Wherever we went, I would take a crochet hook and a ball of yarn. I was so new at crocheting last year, that all I could really create was a square and a rectangle (read: potholder and dish towel). It worked for me though. Focusing on my stitches, moving the hook in and out, turning my work, counting; all of this brought a much-needed distraction to me and something I could be proud of in the end. It also made great gifts!
Have you found your crochet? Do you have something that calms your mind and your body? It truly can be life-saving. You see, your mind can’t actually focus on two things at once. Take this NPR article for example; when people are multitasking, they are actually switching from one thought to the other rapidly and it can be really exhausting. To choose something for yourself that occupies the anxious thoughts is to literally stop your mind from going where you don’t want it to. This article from Forbes says more of the same: it is better to concentrate on one thing than to try to juggle many. So if your thoughts are getting away from you and anxiety is increasing, concentrate on something else!
Sitting on an airplane, juggling two toddlers, feeling the nausea and the anxiety build inside of me, I grabbed my yarn and started crocheting. When I finished my pot holder and was out of yarn, I unraveled it and started again, because that’s how badly I needed my crochet. Long car rides as a passenger have triggered me as well, so I don’t leave without a project. Focusing on my stitches helps me forget the car, the traffic, the feeling of being trapped, and the thoughts about the destination. Sitting had become one of my dreaded states of being. Even if I loved my friends and family, sitting still allowed my body and mind to become so anxious that I just wanted to run away. Crocheting was a way to stay present with people, while occupying my mind and body with another activity.
Everything about crocheting has captured my heart. I love to create and give to others and crocheting has allowed me to do that. From picking out the colors to planning the project, I am thinking of the intended recipient. Each stitch is filled with love and thoughts of others and so I am gifting them as well as myself.
Things are better now. I don’t need crochet to get through a drive or a visit with people. I have started making scarves, hats, purses, and blankets. I feel so thrilled with this developing skill and so grateful for what it brings to me. It is my meditation. It is my relaxation. It is my “do something for yourself” and my “me time”. And with all of that, it’s still something I can do while I visit with my husband or snuggle with my girls. I’ve found my thing and I hope you find yours too. Because there’s no better way to calm your thoughts than to distract them with something beautiful, lovely and productive.
Are you interested in learning crochet?
Here are some of my favorite sites to get you started:
Video Tutorials for Beginners by BobWilson123
Video Tutorials for Beginners by Moogly Blog
Once you get the basics down, you’ll discover that BobWilson123 and Moogly have amazing projects you can create! Ravelry is also a community of people who crochet, knit and loom and are always sharing their projects and patterns. It’s fun to search Pinterest and other sites for inspiration and then challenge yourself to try something new! Enjoy!
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