Do Young Living Essential Oils contain gluten? Are Young Living Essential Oils gluten-free? Are Young Living Essential Oils safe for individuals with celiac disease? I know you want to know the answer to this. You know how I know? Because my original post on this subject is still, to this day, my most popular blog post. I receive e-mails and comments all the time, asking for information.
I am creating a new post because I received a more updated list and wanted to make it easier for you to access it, by creating a file for you to download directly from the blog. This way you don’t have to wait for me to check my e-mail, read your message, reply and attach the file. Honestly, this can take months. You deserve faster service than that!
There are MANY people that will tell you (and have told me), the amount of gluten in these Young Living products is very minimal and not worth getting upset about. To these people, I gently reply, for individuals with celiac disease or like me, who have an anaphylactic reaction to gluten, these minimal amounts are really dangerous. They also build up over time, gradually stimulating the immune system to have an immune response. For those who care, and there seem to be a lot of us, this information is really really really important!
Also, I get many people asking what oil to use if they can’t use the V6 carrier oil that Young Living sells. You can use olive oil in a pinch (I hear it stains, so be careful). Coconut oil will work whether in a liquid or solid state. We personally use Spectrum Organic Almond Oil and are very happy with it. I buy a large bottle and it lasts us years! Please see affiliate links to these products below and click on them to purchase if you’d like to support my blog in a very minimal way with no cost to you. (Thank you!)

Here is the note I received from a Young Living associate within the past year: We attached a list that shows which products contain wheat/gluten. The list also indicates which products do not use any gluten containing ingredients; however, we cannot guarantee these products as gluten free. It is possible that these products are manufactured in facilities which use gluten in product formulations. Though there may be gluten processed in the same facility please rest assured that according to cGMP’s (current good manufacturing practices) the machinery is cleansed and sanitized between products to prevent contamination. If you have additional concerns about the use of any of these products we would encourage you to speak to your health care provider.
- Download File – Young Living Gluten Content
To sign up with Young Living, go here and enter 1414775 as the Enroller ID and Sponsor ID. Choose the Premium Starter Kit in order to get the most for your money and start enjoying your oils today!
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