Tuesday’s Talk: How to Defuse with a Diffuser

The actual definition of defuse is to reduce the tension in a difficult situation. I don’t know about you, but each day I come across various situations that could be described as difficult! Reducing tension in a busy home, office or work place is crucial to improving the quality of life and your health!
Tuesday's Talk: How to Defuse with a Diffuser


So, have you purchased a diffuser and don’t know what you’re supposed to do with it? Or have you thought about it, but don’t really know what you’ll do or how it will work? When we embarked on our journey with essential oils, I was concerned mainly with diaper rashes, bug sprays and cleaning solutions. I shrugged off the AMAZING deal of getting a Premium Starter Kit (which includes a diffuser) because I thought that wasn’t for us. Months later, we found ourselves budgeting our finances to be able to purchase one of these because the benefits far outweighed the cost!

First, I had to educate myself on what a diffuser was. I was familiar with humidifiers and wondered if I could just put my oils in that. (The answer is: no. Humidifiers are not created to handle the powerful oils and they will break down the plastic parts, sending toxins into the air as well.) A diffuser is so different! Specifically speaking about the Young Living diffuser, it is an air purifier, an aroma diffuser, an atomizer, and a humidifier all rolled into one. Mixing a few drops of oil with some distilled water in a diffuser allows that oil to be broken up into millions of microparticles. The microparticles are then dispersed into the air in such a way that the powerful properties of therapeutic grade essential oils are activated. It truly is an incredible way to get amazing benefits from these oils while using very little of them.


Second, I needed to wrap my head around the benefits of diffusing oils instead of inhaling them from my hands or applying them to my body. Because the diffuser alters the structure of molecules, when you diffuse oils you aren’t masking odors (like standard air fresheners that often cause headaches as well). Instead, diffusing actually changes the molecules in a room reducing or eliminating odors, germs, bacteria, mold and fungus.

Thirdly, aside from cleaning the environment of my home, what else could diffusing do? The answers to this question are too many to list here, but defusing tension is a good place to start. You see the cool mist coming off of this diffuser? The mist is actually going into my body (my children’s and my husband’s too) and stimulating neurotransmitters, secretion of endorphins and growth hormone production & receptivity. Inhaling the air containing the diffused oil particles can relax my body, clear my mind, relieve tension, improve concentration, increase alertness, and enhance my mental clarity. From a physiological standpoint, diffused oils also improve digestion, help balance hormones, fight candida by promoting the secretion of IgA antibodies, relieve headaches, and help with weight management.

But how? The science is pretty wordy but I will sum it up like this: When you inhale an aroma, it enters into your nose where it is trapped by the lining inside of your nose. Every odor is made up of molecules and each molecule fits into one of many receptor sites that line the olfactory epithelium. When the molecules fit into these receptor sites, they trigger electrical impulses to the olfactory bulb in your brain
, which then transmits them to other areas of the brain including the gustatory center (sensation of taste), amygdala (emotional memories) and other parts of the limbic system. The limbic system is associated with blood pressure, breathing, heart rate, hormone balance, memory, and stress levels. This is how diffused and inhaled oils can have such a profound effect psychologically and physiologically! (*Information derived from the Essential Oils Pocket Reference, Fifth Edition – see below)

Tuesdy's Talk: How to Defuse with a Diffuser

SOLD. I am absolutely sold on the benefits of the diffuser. Ordered, purchased, shipped and received; I had it in front of me and thought, now what? The possibilities are endless!

In our house, we use it in our bedroom at night and in the center of our home (the kitchen counter) during the day. At night we diffuse lavender, frankincense, juniper or valor. Sleep has never been better! During the day, I choose my diffuser cocktail based on the day ahead of us and the moods we’re all in upon waking. I love to diffuse Joy (read more about Joy here). I find peppermint to be extremely motivating and energizing (more peppermint benefits here). I’ve also started making combinations based on some charts I’ve seen, such as Joy + Peppermint for a happy day, Lavender + Lemon + Peppermint for allergies, Thieves + Purification for immune system boosting, Peace & Calming + Lavender for sleep, Lemon + Peppermint to wake up, and Valor + Frankincense to help with sadness. (4-8 drops is all you need for hours upon hours of diffusing bliss!)

There are so many more combinations and cocktails to be made and experienced. I honestly can’t wait. Currently, I’m diffusing Citrus Fresh + Joy. As a sensitive person, I am acutely aware of the shifts that take place in my attitude, motivation and energy levels while diffusing. The best part is that all of the oils mentioned above (except the Citrus Fresh and juniper) come in the Everyday Oils Kit, which is included in the Premium Starter Kit I wished we had purchased originally!

Ready to try it?

Go here and enter the Sponsor ID and Enroller ID 1414775. Enter your personal information, select Wholesale (it will save you 24% off the retail price), and choose the Premium Starter Kit. You can bypass the Essential Rewards Kits (they’re optional) and you’ll be well on your way to experiencing all these benefits and more! (If you do decide to do Essential Rewards, you can sign up at any time, spend $50 a month and save on shipping while gradually building your medicine cabinet arsenal for every ailment imaginable).

Read more about why we use ONLY Young Living in our home here.

The Essential Oils Pocket Reference is just that: Essential. If you sign up through me with the purchase of the Premium Starter Kit, I will send you this book as a Welcome Gift. You may also purchase it through this (affiliate) link below:

Weekly Meal Planning Inspiration

Weekly Meal Planning Inspiration

For the week of July 28, 2014.

I was telling some friends today that I can remember the first time I “meal planned”. My baby was a few months old and my husband was working. We only had one car and I was struggling with a baby who needed to be held, bounced and shushed around the clock. I couldn’t even think of dinner half the time. I felt proud to be able to throw something easy together in the evenings.

One Sunday, my husband offered to go to the store and pick up some things for the week and he asked what we needed. I pulled out a scrap piece of paper and scribbled down some meal ideas. Then I pulled out another piece of paper and wrote down the ingredients for those meals. What a difference! It didn’t even matter which day I made the meals. What mattered was that I had a list of meals and had the ingredients needed to make them. And so, meal planning began in our home.

It’s a little more involved now as I hunt for sales, try to use leftovers and eat out of the freezer to reduce the impact of shopping on our budget, but in reality it’s remained very much the same. If meal planning helps you feel sane and not going to the grocery store every day, I say, “Do it!” I hope viewing our meal plans can inspire you to try a different recipe once in awhile or help you figure out what to eat when you’re in a rut!

Here are our plans this week:

Monday: Baked swordfish, fresh corn on the cob, salad from our garden and cornbread

Tuesday: Chicken stir-fry with mushrooms, celery, carrots and onions with quinoa (adapted from this recipe)

Wednesday: Southwestern ground beef casserole

Thursday: Black beans and rice with lots of garden veggies

My Intuitive Eating Program

Lately, I’ve received several messages inquiring about my Intuitive Eating Program. While I replied to each message individually, I thought there might be more people who wondered, but didn’t ask. So here it is, a detailed explanation of the Intuitive Eating Program I offer. Now you can decide if you want to take that step to freedom!


A long time ago, I had a desperate hope. I hoped that I could find a magic book or magic program that would fix my screwed up head. I knew I was screwed up because everyone around me seemed to be okay with themselves while I was tortured by every ounce that went up and down on the scale. I knew something was wrong because I could NOT stop exercising, starving, bingeing, purging and the like. My journey toward freedom took me many places. You can read more of my story here, here, and here.

While my journey will never end, my head is no longer screwed up, I am not living a life that is out of control; I am not obsessed or tortured any more. Knowing how hard things used to be, I can say that this freedom to eat whatever and whenever I want is absolutely incredible. The peace I have with myself and the understanding I have of my hunger are priceless gifts that I am grateful for every day. I want the same for you, for every one.

The Intuitive Eating Program is something I designed based on my own experience and healing journey. I designed it because diets are prevalent in this country and they don’t work. No matter the program, intention, calories & fat combinations, exercise routines, or protein & carbohydrate levels, 98% of people who diet, regain the weight, which means there is no successful diet program out there. This program demolishes the ideas that there are good foods and bad foods, that you eat well or eat badly, that you had a good food day or a bad food day. One example is this: If you think about your favorite food, do you associate it with guilt, shame or remorse? This program makes food “free” so you can find what actually works for your body and your health.

The program unfolds in 8 sessions. I have found that a minimum of 8 sessions creates the commitment and support that people need to make the changes in their life that they want, but often struggle to make on their own. These 8 sessions focus on hunger, fullness, satiety, beauty, myths, societal standards, nourishment, joyful movement and nutrition.

  • The first 4 sessions are weekly, to establish homework assignments, reading and support.
  • The next 2 sessions are every other week.
  • The last 2 sessions are 3-4 weeks apart, depending on a person’s needs. This allows my clients time to walk in their new role with food and gather up their accomplishments and challenges to work through with me when we speak.
  • Continuing sessions, if desired, focus more on food, meals and nutrition based on individual needs.

My clients have found that having regular sessions, check-ins, and homework has given them the greatest amount of partnership on this journey, enabling them to experience complete freedom as they arrive at the healthiest body weight for themselves.

The “assigned” reading is from two books that I send out at the beginning of our work. Homework is based on worksheets I provide and the level of the client’s commitment to complete them. Worksheets include Hunger and Fullness Logs, Stomach Hunger vs Mouth Hunger Logs, Satiety & Satisfaction Logs, and a worksheet on Grace.

A good way to explain this program is the way a former client described it, “Do you want another diet, or do you want a solution?” I love that description! I also love how another client said the program gave her the “confidence to walk, live, love and eat without shame or embarrassment”. Yet another told me she could not have enjoyed her vacation without having been set free from her obsessions with diet, weight, food and body image.

The goal of this program is to teach you to trust yourself so you can have complete freedom in your body, your movements, and your food choices.

My nutrition and wellness sessions are $80 a session, which would be $640 for the 8-session program. When people sign up for the whole 8-session program, the cost is only $480. This can either be paid up front or through a payment plan with payments completed by the end of the fourth session. PayPal or personal checks are accepted.

Being in this program also allows free access to me via text, phone, e-mail or Facebook messaging. I whole-heartedly support each client on this path and always respond to messages and inquiries where there may be doubts or struggles.

Sessions can be in person, via Skype, via FaceTime, via GooglePlus, or over the phone. I have had clients from all over the country and distance has never been an issue. Thank God for technology!

Want to sign up? Contact Me and we can get started with the intake forms and scheduling of our first 4 weekly sessions. I can’t wait to help you walk in freedom!


Qualifications: This program is a blend of my experiences, education and training. I have personally walked through the experience of freeing myself from disordered eating through learning intuitive eating. I have my bachelor’s degree in Human Development and my Master’s degree in Holistic Health Education, specializing in Holistic Nutrition. I am trained as a Life Coach through a certified coaching institute. Most importantly: I am extremely passionate about freedom and care about each and every one of my clients’ success, joy and self-love!

Tuesday’s Talk: Tummy Troubles (and 16 other uses for peppermint)

Oh Peppermint, how I love thee.

Let me count the ways….

Tuesday's Talk: Tummy Troubles (and 16 other uses for peppermint)

I cannot tell you how many times I use peppermint in a day. I rub Young Living peppermint oil on my gums throughout the day, at the end of a meal, or before going out. It freshens my breath like nothing else. It also kills bacteria, which is something I’m struggling with. I’ve been seeing a holistic dentist for months, trying to combat my gum disease, which was at stage 3 out of 4. I’m now at stage 2. I attribute the peppermint oil to a lot of this bacterial death. (Read more about oral health and essential oils.)

And tummy troubles… oh yes. I’ve had food poisoning about two times in the last three years and it is an awful experience, laying me out for approximately 24 hours. Usually, it’s about 12 hours of sickness and 12 hours of exhaustion, fever, nausea until slowly easing back into regular life. Last weekend though, this was not the case! The food poisoning hit very suddenly and we had just eaten a lunch of leftover take-out. (Now, you know we are really picky about the food we eat, so there aren’t a lot of places we frequent. I am disappointed to have such a bad experience at one of my “safe places”.) Running to the bathroom, I was sweating, overheating and nauseated; the room was spinning and panic was setting in. I could not find relief from it. I threw a cold, wet towel over my face begging for it to stop, and finally, I called for my husband to bring me peppermint oil. I couldn’t even think straight as I struggled to open the cap and rub the oil on my stomach. I tried to smell it, but I couldn’t stand smelling anything. Within minutes, I felt relief. The intensity of the nausea and dizziness had dissipated, just enough that I wasn’t hyperventilating anymore. Grateful, I rubbed more on my stomach. The heat was leaving my body and going to straight to my stomach. No longer sweating, I crawled into bed. I fell asleep and when I woke up, I was weak, but not nauseous. I was even able to eat dinner that night. Unheard of!

Tuesday's Talk: Tummy Troubles (and 16 other uses for peppermint)

So, let’s look at the beauty that is peppermint oil:

–       Improves symptoms of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) (see this study where it helped 75% of children)

–       Antiviral (this study shows its effects against herpes simplex)

–       Antispasmodic (in this study it’s used during endoscopies)

–       Improves taste & smell (inhale before eating)

–       Supports liver and respiratory systems

–       Improves concentration, attention and mental sharpness (read this fascinating study)

–       Triggers sensation of fullness; affects brain’s satiety center (see this study)

–       Boosts exercise routines (read more)

–       Soothes headaches and head pressure (rub on temples)

–       Improves energy (rub on neck and shoulders)

–       Relieves digestive upset (rub on abdomen)

–       Reduces bruising (rub directly on bruised area)

–       Reduces swelling & chronic inflammation (rub on unbroken skin)

–       Relieves arthritis & tendonitis pain (rub on affected areas)

–       Reduces sore feet (rub on feet mixed with your favorite lotion)

–     Deters pests (our organic pest guy uses organic peppermint oil to spray everywhere!)

Let’s use it:

Diffuse or inhale it.

Dilute it and apply topically.

Drink it in water or tea.

Read more about why we choose Young Living oils ONLY.

If you’re ready to sign up and begin using essential oils, CLICK HERE and use Sponsor ID & Enroller ID: 1414775. Your body and mind and spirit will thank you.

Weekly Meal Planning Inspiration


For the week of July 21, 2014.

Weekly meal planning is so important for our family to stay on track with our budget and our food. No matter what’s going on in our schedules, we know what we are eating and the food is there for us!

We’ve gone back and forth between Martins and Kroger as far as prices are concerned. Each week it’s a toss-up. With this season of plentiful fruit, we’ve been choosing Kroger because their organic fruit prices definitely give Martins a run for our money. It was a little disappointing to have Kroger be out of foods we went there specifically to purchase, but their prices are still better this week!

Organic strawberries and blueberries: 2/$5
Organic red cherries: $2.99/lb
Organic kale: $1.99/lb
20% off Simple Truth chicken

Because there wasn’t much by way of fish or meat on sale, we pulled from our freezer this week for those recipes.

Hope you have some great meals planned this week too! Here are ours:

Monday: Creamy chicken quinoa and broccoli casserole (new recipe to us – looks delicious)

Tuesday: Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon broiled, sugar snap peas and rice

Wednesday: Gluten-free Mac n Goat’s Cheese with ground beef

Thursday: Easy Sweet Potato Kale Soup (another new recipe!)

Are you following me on Pinterest and Facebook? Join in the conversations!

Roasted Asparagus Recipe

You may notice on my Weekly Meal Planning Inspiration posts that I roast a lot of vegetables! In my opinion, there’s no better way to bring out the delicate flavors of nature’s great vegetables than to drizzle them lightly with oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and roast! I made Roasted Asparagus this week, as well as roasted cauliflower. The recipe remains the same, for the most part; the only thing that changes is the length of cooking time.
The recipe is simple!

Roasted Asparagus

1 bunch of asparagus washed, hard ends snapped off (snap in half – optional)
1-2 TBSP high heat oil (like Safflower, Sunflower, or Coconut – not olive)
Salt & pepper to taste

Arrange your asparagus on the pan and drizzle your oil evenly. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Using your hands, mix the oil and spice into the asparagus and spread it out.

Place in your oven, preheated to 425F. Set your timer for 7 minutes. After 7 minutes, poke your asparagus with a fork. If it’s still very firm, shake the pan a little and put in for an additional 5 minutes. Repeat until desired firmness. Usually, I cook for 12-15 minutes total.

Tuesday’s Talk: Refresh Yourself with Citrus

Is it hot where you are? It is here. There’s not much, other than air conditioning, that brings much relief, but there are scents and oils that can definitely boost your energy and make your daily water even more refreshing.

Tuesday's Talk: Refresh Yourself with Citrus

Citrus Fresh.

It’s becoming a favorite. I know there are SO many health properties in this delicious Young Living oil blend, but it also just smells and tastes amazing. I add a couple drops to my glass bottle of water and absolutely love it. It would taste great in a glass of ice water too. (Glass is important here. Therapeutic grade oils will draw out the chemicals of plastic and no one wants to drink those!) You know you should be drinking half your body weight in ounces, right? Not so hard in the summer, but a little flavor can really help a boring water bottle in the winter too!

When I drink it, I am acutely aware of the orange flavor, which I love more than the lemon. The oils in Citrus Fresh are: orange, tangerine, mandarin, grapefruit, lemon and spearmint. (For those that like the scientific terms, or even just like trying to pronounce them, here they are respectively: Citrus aurantium, Citrus nobilis, Citrus reticulata, Citrus paradisi, Citrus limon, and Mentha spicata.) The citrus oils in Young Living therapeutic grade oils contain limonene, a powerful molecule with incredible health benefits. I’m thrilled that I can get these oils into my body and let them do their thing! What thing is that? Well, the cancer inhibiting, cancer regressing thing. Limonene also has been proven in research to break up cholesterol-containing gallstones and prevent or treat heartburn / GERD.   Works for me because it happens to taste great!

Citrus Fresh is absolutely refreshing. As soon as I get my diffuser, I’m going to be diffusing it in our home as well as drinking it. According to many testimonials, diffusing Citrus Fresh can increase memory and concentration, while supporting emotional balance. Who couldn’t use some of that?

Tuesday's Talk: Refresh Yourself with Citrus

The amazing thing about these therapeutic oils is that they are so useful for so many things. (Read why we ONLY use Young Living: here.)

* Citrus Fresh is great to ingest and diffuse / inhale.
It’s also great as a cleaner. You can put some in baking soda, mix well, allow to sit overnight to dry, and then sprinkle it on your carpets before vacuuming to create a wonderful fresh scent in your home. I’m thinking I’ll try this in my car!
* Applying diluted Citrus Fresh to hands, feet and legs can relieve fluid retention.
* Massaging with diluted Citrus Fresh helps to release lymphatic congestion.
* Make cleaning up sticky residues a cinch, with Citrus Fresh – apply to leftover stickers or Band-Aid goo.
* Add to your laundry or put on a cotton ball in your dresser drawers to freshen clothes.
* Some have even said that Citrus Fresh can tighten sagging skin, suppress appetite, and dissolve fat. (If you apply to your skin, dilute it and do not go in the sun for 12-hours. In other words, do this at night, before bed!)

Let’s review some of the amazing benefits of the Citrus Fresh blend:

–       purifying

–       antiseptic

–       antifungal

–       antidepressant

–       stimulates immune system

–       uplifts mind & body

–       reduces stress & irritability

–       helps with insomnia

–       calming

–       helps with anxiety & restlessness

–       decongests lymphatic system

–       nurtures feelings of joy & peace

–       combats depression

Try it today! Young Living Sign-Up is quick and easy – Sponsor and Enroller ID: 1414775.

I’m also teaching classes introducing oils and other therapeutic grade products from Young Living. Contact me if you’d like to attend!

Weekly Meal Planning Inspiration

Weekly Meal Planning inspiration

For the week of July 14, 2014.
So. Hot. Please, no oven! I don’t want to do salads EVERY night, but wow, it’s hot. What are your cool dinner ideas for hot summer days and nights?

We chose Kroger this week again. With how much amazing fruit is available right now and how much our kids want to eat it, we couldn’t beat the prices. Their organic fruit prices are cheaper than Martin’s organic fruit sales this week (again). So, while we’re saving on fruit, we kind of have to settle with what else they happen to have for the rest of our grocery needs.

Mahi Mahi $5.99/lb
Organic Cherries $3.99/lb
Organic Mini Peeled Carrots 2 bags for $3
Organic grapes $1.99/lb
Organic strawberries 2 packs for $5
Stonyfield Organic Greek Yogurt Cups 10/$10 (plus coupon)
Blue Diamond Nut Thins 2/$4

All this great fruit, who needs to eat real food? Sigh. We do! Here it is:

Monday: Ginger Glazed Mahi Mahi, quinoa and roasted asparagus (the fish is cooked in a skillet and I can roast the asparagus in the toaster oven)

Tuesday: My husband’s favorite oven baked BBQ chicken (drumsticks and thighs – the cheaper chicken), cauliflower roasted in the toaster oven, and mashed potatoes (yeah, I’ll have to use the oven for this one….)

Wednesday: My daughter’s favorite: spaghetti and meatballs with spinach – all stove top

Thursday: Vegetarian curry with sweet potatoes, tofu, broccoli, red pepper and coconut milk, served over rice (we are not big tofu eaters – it’s SO controversial, but every once in a while….)

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Holistically Dealing with Death & Grief (with Toddlers)

I don’t really believe in bad and good, like good food vs. bad food, or “I’ve been good” or “I’ve been bad”. I think almost everything is on a spectrum, including our behaviors and attitudes. So, when a voice in my head said, “I’m not being a very good mom this week,” I just stopped. Familiar tears sprang to my eyes and I shuddered. I reminded myself that it’s not about being bad or good, it’s about loving and noticing, awareness and honesty.


It’s been a hard week.

We’ve never glossed over death with our children, especially with our almost-4-year-old, who asks about everything all the time. From bugs on the floor to a mouse fallen victim to our hunting kitty, our child has seen death. She doesn’t have a problem saying, “Lily killed a bird. It’s dead.” And maybe it’s because of this that her questions have probed deeper and she’s trying to understand the loss of our own pet, Willow.

Holistically Dealing with Death & Grief with Toddlers

4-year-old’s picture of Willow Rose


Willow Rose was 17 years old when she passed this weekend. She’d been with me my entire adult life, having acquired her when I had just turned 19. She has seen it all with me and been my companion. She was there before my husband, my children, my dog and my other kitty. She’s been the alpha among the animals, and even the children. And then she was gone.

My grief is indescribable. But if you’ve ever experienced grief, then you can imagine. Because I am a mom first and foremost, managing my grief has been challenging; fielding my child’s questions, painful.

So how do you deal with death and grief in a holistic way? As with all things, I try to approach this season with loving and noticing, awareness and honesty.

Loving. I love my children. I respect their feelings and I know they are sad, while lacking a full understanding of what has happened. I love my husband, who is my rock, even as he sheds his own tears quietly in order to be there for mine. I love myself for being able to love so fully and openly and for mourning the loss of my friend because I am capable of such big love.

Noticing. We all notice her absence. We all notice the sadness clinging to our day-to-day’s. Noticing is not judging it as good or bad. Noticing is just that: noticing. I notice that my patience is short and my energy is waning. I notice that tears appear on my cheeks without much provocation. I notice the sighs I breathe more often and I notice I’m tired. So tired.

Awareness. How is awareness different? Awareness is bringing those things we notice into the forefront of our minds and allowing them a right to be there. Awareness makes me capable of noticing my short patience and acknowledging its presence, while calming myself with a deep breath and addressing my children’s needs. Awareness gives me permission to take a nap because I noticed my energy was low and I want to be able to have more to give to all these people that I love. Awareness is how I can tell my toddlers, “Yes, Willow is gone. Yes, I know, I want her back too. Yes, I miss her and I see that you miss her too. Yes, we can trust that her spirit is freed from her body and we will always have her in our hearts.”

Honesty. Seems like this should be simple, but there are degrees of honesty. I’m not going to tell my children the step-by-step of how my beloved cat passed away. I am going to be honest and say she is gone from us, not “just sleeping”. I’m not going to tell them how broken-hearted I am or how much I’ve been crying, but I will say, “I am sad.” Honesty walks the spectrum with everything else: loving, noticing and being aware.

As my oldest asks, “What if I die? What if you die?” I take a deep breath. I love her curiosity. I love her intelligence. I notice her fear. I notice my resistance to the question. I notice my own fear. I’m aware of her need for reassurance and my need to shelter her. I honestly reply, “We pray that will not happen for a very long time.”

When I ask my youngest if she wants to say goodbye to Willow, she says, “Have a good nap, Willow!” She runs off giggling and playing with something. I love her innocence. I love her playfulness. I notice she doesn’t understand the gravity of the situation. I notice how sad I am that she’s too young for a proper goodbye. I am aware that she needs this freedom, innocence and playfulness. I am aware that I envy that in her and want to let her have it for as long as she can.

Still, the next day, this same playful youngest child spent the morning in tears. Over everything. EVERY THING. Dropped a drink. Dropped a stuffed animal. Wanted an apple. Begged for a show. Everything brought tears out of her eyes. Finally, after hours of this, I sat down in front of her and said, “Why are you so sad?” She didn’t say a word. She just stared at me, into me. I felt her love. I noticed her concern. I became aware of her sadness somehow being a reflection of mine, even though she didn’t know why. Looking at her and taking her hands, I said, “Mommy is okay.” Her eyes widened just a little and she smiled, “Oh! Okay. I fine then.” Perhaps I hadn’t noticed that she was aware of my pain even in the midst of her innocence.

There’s really no right or wrong, good or bad way to address death and grief with toddlers. There’s only the way that works for you and your family. There’s only honesty, wherever it falls on your spectrum of belief. There’s only awareness of each passing day, question, feeling, and expression. There’s only noticing each other, bringing awareness to everyone’s feelings and responding in love. There’s only love.


So, I want to say thank you to Willow Rose for teaching me even more, as a mother, as a loving pet owner, and as a person. I want to thank her for coming into my life at a tumultuous point, rolling with the punches that my wild 20’s dished out. She went across the country three times, stuck her paw in the Mississippi River once, lived in a car with me for years, moved from apartments to rented rooms, townhouses and homes. She witnessed my relationships, my marriage, the birth of my children, and the introduction of new pets. She greeted every person who has ever walked through my door, into our lives. She was more like a dog in how she would come running when I came home, but she was all cat, as she snuggled with me every night as soon as I sat down. I thank her for shedding a tear with me as I shed my own during our goodbye, I thank her for teaching me how important it is to love, even when it hurts. Rest in peace, Willow. Willow Rose. Wee-yo. Miss Bug. Bill. Bilbo. Miss Baggins. Ow-Wow. Oh the nicknames that came from one little beloved creature! The memories. The laughter. The irritation and frustration. The sadness and agony. The peaceful acceptance. The love. Thank you.

Weekly Meal Planning Inspiration


For the week of July 7, 2014.
There is sadness in our home this week. We said goodbye to our 17-year old cat this weekend and one thing that brought it home for me was sketching out our meal plans for the week. Each day, I knew she would not be with us. I share this loss with you, as my loving readers, to say that, grief is real, no matter what triggers it and we all deserve our time, however much time we may need. Meal plans are necessary in our home. Eating take-out is not going to make my body, heart, or budget feel better even if all I want to do is sit around and cry. I may be slow to writing, posting and responding as we mourn our loss, but I am still here, still committed to health and healing.

Some sales this week at Martin’s to share:
– Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon (fresh): $11.99 / lb – the BEST salmon to eat and one that is usually too expensive to purchase fresh
– Nature’s Promise chicken (whole, drumsticks or thighs): $1.49 / lb – great time to stock up
– Stonyfield Greek Yogurt cups: 10/$10, also use a coupon to save $0.50 – perfect for Monday breakfasts when we’re a little slow-moving

Monday: Roasted salmon, roasted sweet potatoes, and steamed broccoli

Tuesday: Roast chicken with potatoes, carrots and steamed green beans

Wednesday: Ground beef casserole with pasta, spinach and cheese (think spaghetti but baked with cheese on top) with salad

Thursday: (new recipe) Healthy Loaded Black Bean Nachos

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