That empty spot? That was mine…
It’s here! My latest shipment of Female Balance has arrived. I want to share this with you, for your mothers, daughters, wives, sisters or any woman you know who may struggle with hormone fluctuations that wreak havoc on everyone and everything.
PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is not a friend of mine. In fact, about five years ago, I realized that the issues in my relationship always revolved around that one pesky week of each month. My insecurities would rise and my sensitivity would heighten. It seemed like everything hurt my feelings during this time, which would lead to deep, dark “discussions” with my boyfriend. Many tears were shed. Many days I felt like I didn’t know who I was and I wondered if I had some alter ego taking over my heart and mind. I do not want to make light of what horrible out-of-control feelings occur during that week leading up to your period. Sometimes I walked around feeling like the tears were building up behind my eyes and it would only take one thing, just one thing, before the dam burst. Other times, I was angry, dissatisfied with life, with my relationships, my friendships, my present, my past, my future and I would spread that frustration everywhere I went. The decisions I made in my non-PMS life were mature, responsible and confident. Faced with similar choices while PMS-ing, I made choices based on insecurity, fear and sadness.
I tried Female Balance on a whim and within a couple of months my boyfriend said, “This stuff has saved our relationship.” I tried not to let that comment hurt my feelings… Then I realized, he was right. He’s my husband now and he’s been with me through the many up’s and down’s of figuring out how to regulate my moods. Nothing has helped like Female Balance. It’s been so long since I’ve had those mood swings that I can barely remember them. Until I talk to a client or a friend… and then I remember just how awful PMS was for me and can be for many women. If I get low on Female Balance, my husband is the first to say, “Spend the money. Buy it. It’s important!”
The company that makes Female Balance is Apex Energetics. During my education at John F Kennedy University, I attended many of Apex’s conferences and seminars; their products are incredible! Female Balance is a homeopathic blend designed to regulate your hormones and it does just that! The label states that it is used “for temporary relief of menstrual cramps, backache during menstruation, sadness, and menstrual irregularity”.
You can order Female Balance through me (use the Contact Form) or search for it online. Unfortunately, they’re not offered through Amazon, though I’ve found them online before, for roughly $19 a bottle. I sell them for $18 a bottle and cover shipping costs when you order three or more. When starting out, I recommend three bottles because you start off taking it three times a day. As time goes on, you will either not need it or need it only once a day and then it will last much longer.
If you are just starting out with this supplement, or are one of my clients and need a reminder, this is how it is often used: One dropper full three times a day (under your tongue) for a month (or a cycle), then taper down to twice a day and after another month, once a day. Some women find they can go off of it completely after a little while and their hormones remain steady. I am not so lucky. Whenever I run out, I feel that creepy, crawly feeling inside of me that something is not right. I also end up with pimples around my chin and jaw line when I’m not taking it. This is the area that breaks out due to hormonal imbalance. When I’m taking Female Balance, these breakouts stop. With homeopathic remedies, it is not recommended that you take them with coffee or mint. I take mine once a day, first thing in the morning, about an hour before brushing my teeth or drinking any coffee. Another thing I recommend when trying any new supplement is to chart your own progress – this is how you know if things work or not! Before taking something, write down, on a scale of 1-10, how you’re currently feeling regarding the symptoms you’re experiencing. Then, after a month of taking it, check in with yourself or perhaps your spouse to see if there’s a noticeable difference. If not, try for another month at the same dosage and proceed from there. There will be times that supplements don’t have an effect on you and that’s okay. There are other options available. Better to try with consistency, to give it 100% and know for certain whether something could have an incredibly positive influence on your life or not.You can order Female Balance through me (use the Contact Form) or search for it online. Unfortunately, they’re not offered through Amazon, though I’ve found them online before, for roughly $19 a bottle. I sell them for $18 a bottle and cover shipping costs when you order three or more. When starting out, I recommend three bottles because you start off taking it three times a day. As time goes on, you will either not need it or need it only once a day and then it will last much longer.