Change is coming to our family medicine cabinet and it’s definitely for the better! I’ve actually thought about doing an entire post highlighting our family medicine cabinet, although it’s actually spread throughout our home. We are very particular about the supplements, foods and herbs that we use because quality is of the utmost importance. Most of our “go-to” remedies are not federally regulated; that being said, finding high quality remedies often requires an investment and a lot of research.
The newest change I’m going to talk about today is the use of essential oils. I’ve mentioned oils before here and here. I’m going to be editing those posts to specify which brand of oil to use. It has come to my attention through time, education and research, that the oils being sold on the shelves of grocery stores are not the same oils being used in various recipes for health and cleaning. I used to shrug it off and say, “I’m not signing up for something when there’s an oil right here I can buy.” Obviously, no harm came to me from doing that, but did I truly reap the benefits?
Now that I know the value of therapeutic grade oils, there is no going back. We are slowly making the investment of purchasing many oils for various recipes and uses. Our children already ask for certain oils over previous salves and medicines we were using for scrapes and bites.
Here’s one fact that made me rethink my oil purchases: Lavender oil is known for its healing properties, especially when it comes to burns on the skin. Much research is compiled describing how quickly lavender oil has healed skin. However, there is also research stating the opposite. People have applied lavender oil to their skin after a burn and actually experienced more pain and worsened burns. Do you know why? Because most lavender oils out there do not contain lavender oil; they contain lavandin – a hybrid lavender, which is very different, chemically, from pure lavender oil. This is just one example of one oil that has been adulterated… In my opinion, it’s not worth the risk.

Oils on the shelves of health food and grocery stores are aromatic and can be very pleasant, if not helpful in that way, but they are not therapeutic and should not be used for therapeutic purposes. A therapeutic oil is one that contains the original properties of the plant, tree, flower or bush from which it is derived. Do you know how complicated this is? It means from the very seed that is planted, to the environment the plant is grown in, from the weather to the absence of pesticides, from harvesting of the plant to deriving the oil from it, something can go wrong, rendering that oil non-therapeutic and potentially unhealthy!
I have found that one company meets the criteria necessary to create therapeutic grade oils that I’m choosing to put on myself and my family: Young Living. It’s likely you’ve heard of them and maybe even wondered the value or importance of their oils. Without going too much into the science behind the amazing work they do, I will say this: Young Living talks about “Seed to Seal”. Every step of their process, from the seed that is planted in the ground to the seal on the top of an essential oil bottle, has to meet absolute perfection or they will not sell it. There are times an oil will be unavailable for months at a time because they have not been able to guarantee the high quality they stand behind. For this reason, I trust them to provide us with the therapeutic grade oils we are coming to love and use regularly.

What can you use these oils for? I don’t even think I can begin to offer a comprehensive list, but here are some remedies:
- Lavender and lemon oils for seasonal allergies (I know people personally who have ceased using allergy medications because of this simple and easy remedy)
- Lavender and frankincense oils for skin abrasions, bites and bumps
- Juniper and lemon oils for gout
- Spearmint, fennel and wintergreen oils for colitis
- Jasmine, frankincense, rosemary and cedarwood oils for depression
- Peppermint and lemon oils for fever
- Helichrysum and juniper oils for tinnitus
- Fennel, tarragon and peppermint oils for IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
From MS to cancer, cerebral palsy to neuropathy, pneumonia, polio, shingles, strep throat and countless other conditions, ailments, and symptoms – there’s an oil for that. Or a few oils. Or a proprietary blend of oils that are made specifically for what ails you.
How do we use the oils? There are many ways. Diffusing them in a diffuser so you breathe in the aromatic benefits is one way. Putting a couple of drops in your hands (or on a pillow case) and inhaling them will also work. Rubbing them on the bottom of your feet or on specific body parts like the neck or chest is very beneficial. Putting them in capsules and taking them internally, when specified, is helpful. Using them in recipes or beverages, when applicable, can also produce incredible results.
Here’s a challenge for you: Go to your search engine and enter “Young Living” _______ (fill in the blank with whatever ailment you are curious about). Put Young Living in quotation marks to assure that you get results specific to this brand of oils. Tell me what you find. What I’ve found are miraculous testimonies of people experiencing great health, wellness and recovery with these oils. My intent is to amaze you with the healing possibilities of these oils and perhaps spark some curiosity in you, the way it was sparked in me, to do some research and find some results that you’ve been looking for. You can also view my essential oils board on Pinterest here.
If you’ve thought about these oils and you’re ready to try them, it’s easy. Follow this link and select to be either a retail or wholesale consumer (wholesale members save 24% off retail price). Enter my Sponsor ID and Enroller ID as your referral (# 1414775) and my name (Theresa Rosenthal). That’s it! You can use their Essential Rewards program (ordering monthly to earn points toward free product, while getting cheaper shipping) or just buy as you need.
If you do sign up, look for a special gift from me in the mail and also know that I am here working alongside of you to help you realize your healthiest potential. I’m available to answer questions and help you create blends and protocols unique to your situation.